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The Power of True Love: Heal the Marriage, Unite Ministers for World Peace

The Power of True Love

Bringing world religions together to heal families and rebuild communities worldwide

Published on Aug 10, 2013

Dramatically shows the American Clergy Leadership Conference bringing world religions together to heal families and rebuild communities worldwide. Truly a fitting tribute to one of the lasting legacies of Rev.Sun Myung Moon on the 1st anniversary of his passing.

144000 Clergy Couples from all faiths gathered for Blessing on April 27, 2002. Representative leaders from all traditions offered prayers for the couples. Father Moon was famous for spreading the Culture of Heart and Peace, through Ideal Families. Read, Peace Vision Wed Million Families 

"And it is true, the rumor that you've heard, that Rev. Moon is indeed the man sent by God." Rev. T. Berret

The Life of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The political left hated him for saying communism was the anti-Christ. Learn about Dr.Moon's key role in the Downfall of Communism. Some Christians said he was anti-Christ, but look what they found when they met him and worked with him (Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s life work: 144 essays from clergies, political leaders and Nobelists); 

Society failed to ask the right questions about what Moon stood for. His life presents a modern example of the ancient phenomenon of how religion is born. Not an ordinary religion, but one that has the vision, the power and the love to unite all; unite mind and body, unite families, unite religions, cultures and nations. This is an extraordinary life, that will take centuries to study and learn from. This is the man who paved the road for World Peace and the establishment of God's Ideal.

Now communities of True Love are forming around the world, centered on his Vision. At Ceong Pyong Lake's Peace Palace in South Korea we see a new pure, happy and creative culture rising among the thousands of second gen. children living and studying there. And this is only a glimpse into what's coming in the near future, when big communities of few generations start appearing everywhere around the world.

"We will consequently establish a world based on the unified culture of heart.. a world without war or conflict.. God’s Kingdom on earth and in heaven will be realized." Sun Myung Moon, CSG p. 1534

Number of nations already educating their citizens in the Culture of Heart. In special-chosen nations rural areas with 80 to 100 % Blessed families. The Culture of Heart spreads like fire. Read, The Model for the Ideal PEACEFUL WORLD

Rev. Sun Myung Moon: The Most Successful New Religion
Nostradamus and Vanga Predict About Moon
Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s life work: 144 essays

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